Komboni Radio

Advertising Terms

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Advertising Terms

  1. This contract has been voluntarily entered into by both parties, hence binding on both parties.
  2. Contract will only be entered upon availability of airtime.
  3. All adverts will have an advert schedule based on the clients proposed time band.
  4. All advert & program schedule prepared by Komboni Radio for all clients will have a range of plus or minus 15 minutes airing time.
  5. In an event that the advert does not play within the given advert schedule prepared by Komboni Radio due to circumstances, the advert will be played at any other time within the client’s time range.
  6. All adverts/programs/mentions not aired due to circumstances will be considered in the “Good Will”. “Good will” will entitle the client to air their Advert/Program/mentions within a three months’ span. Failure to this the advert /program/mention will expire and hence not Redeemable.
  7. All adverts /programs will be recorded by Komboni Radio for a period of Three
  8. months(3months). In case of any dispute regarding the Airing of Advert/programs Komboni Radio will Only make available its recording to help resolve the dispute.
  9. Komboni Radio will not provide recorded or computerised logs to clients. However, Recorded and computerized logs can be made available to clients at a fee.
  10. Clients wishing to have recorded adverts/programs from Komboni Radio will be subject to production fees.
  11. Programs can either be live or recorded.
  12. Suspended bookings will not be allowed to change the material/advert as this will be regarded as a whole new complete booking, and billed accordingly.
  13. Suspended bookings will only be valid within a 30 days’ period after which the validity period will elapse and the client would have forfeited the time.
  14. All cancelled adverts/programs will attract a 50% cancellation fee.
  15. Any booked time either verbal by virtue of telephone call or any voice mode booking, by LPO, Reservations or blocking time will be billed like any other booked and aired advert.
  16. 50% of upfront payment will be made on all adverts/programs/mention unless otherwise prior agreement has been entered.
  17. Advert/program can be adjusted upward or downward depending on various factors e.g. promotions, airtime availability, sponsorship packages, agreement entered, to mention only a few
  18. Final payment of any contract for renowned agents/companies will be due within 30 days, after date of booking.
  19. There will be no extensions or exceptions. Any delay in payments will attract an interest calculated on the prevailing bank interest rate.
  20. Credit periods will be approved on a contract basis and is not uniformly applied.
  21. By virtue of entering into an advert/program contract with Komboni Radio verbally or in writing the client guarantees their wilfulness to abide by the terms and conditions stipulated
  22. All materials to be aired must meet our International Broadcasting Requirements. A copy of which is available or Request from Komboni Radio.
  23. Material that is of poor quality or does not meet the Broadcast standards laid by Komboni Radio will be subject to full production payment on the event that the material is reproduced, upgraded or improved upon.
  24. Under the terms and conditions Komboni Radio shall place all the materials as set out in the “client time range”. Failure to which Komboni Radio shall be obliged to grant extra broadcasting slot to the client as Compensation.
  25. Adjustments to the Ts and cs shall be in written.
  26. Where the client discontinues the running of the contract it shall be deemed a Breach and the client shall be obliged to pay 50% of the contract amount.
  27. All long time contract discount to be approved by Komboni Radio marketing.
  28. All registered agencies are entitled to 16.5% of the total airtime sold on behalf of Komboni Radio which will be added to the current rate card amounts.
  29. This contract shall be governed, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws for the time being and from time to time in force in Republic of Zambia