Our Services
Our Services
Door to door advertising is an all-too-perfect method of physically appealing to customers directly. In redefining the playing field of radio broadcast, Komboni Radio generally recognizes that door to door advertising is very important. With Komboni radio’s influence of currently an estimated total of 3million in its areas of influence, door to door community activations can greatly increase your visibility.

Production capacity
Tell us your intended reach; target age group; gender and the information that you want us to send out there and we guarantee you a production with complete control.
Our research strategy ensures a maximum audience reach, with massages tailor made to be easily embraced by the community. Komboni radio ensures that its customers advertising successfully maintains complete control of the market and the message is : “loud and clear”. With Komboni Radio, quality and reliability are paramount. Preferred production ensures that you have the best service quality guaranteed.
No matter what your need is, we have the technology expertise and capacity to take it on like a pinch of salt! With a well thought strategy, we are able to manage to gain complete control of your market/ customer with maximum audience guaranteed.
Outside Broadcasting
“Innovation – how does Komboni Radio keep redefining the playing field of radio broadcast?”
Shoot for a service that sums up your specialty or approach succinctly and supports the professional brand you’re cultivating.
At Komboni Radio we realise that every business is different and therefore has unique needs when it comes to market. We realize that your products have to be advertised on your preferred time and place of your convenience. We are also confident that our outside broadcasting and outdoor advertising, will guarantee you efficient and effective response.

Points of Difference
Our consultative approach to partnering with clients, our ability to do what others couldn’t and can’t and our expertise in providing maximum audience reach beyond the ability of others are established points of difference and advantages that Komboni brings to its clients. Representing about eighty percent (80%) of Zambia’s population in the two most influential provinces of Zambia, in our areas of influence, situated in both high density and rural areas, make Komboni Radio the broadcast station of your choice.
Monitoring and Advertising
With Komboni Radio, Our range of services do not just end on execution. We place great value and importance to the Monitoring and Evaluation process. One of the most prominent things about Komboni Radio line of services is the advertising and recording software which is a hugely important element for M & E. Komboni Radio is able to generate advert schedules or proof of airing both in recording and print form.
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Komboni Radio is a privately owned Radio Station broadcasting in Lusaka on 94.9FM, Copperbelt 90.9FM, worldwide love on Radio Garden, Radio FM and www.kombonipobo.com.
With 10 years experience in the Broadcasting industry, and the best our clients with a tailored service at an affordable price. Our strength is ensuring that our clients benefit from a bespoke service that is tailored to each customer’s needs.
Our service and commitment of the Management and Staff have ensured that our customers retention rate is among the highest in the broadcasting industry.
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