Komboni Radio

Teen Teams Nai 1 Million Friends

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Teen Teams Nai 1 Million Friends

About The Shows

Today’s society faces numerous challenges, particularly concerning teenagers. Drug abuse among teens is a significant issue, often driven by an attempt to escape problems, lack of self-confidence, or peer pressure. Street children also use drugs to numb the pain of hunger and cold. Alcoholism, dubbed “enjoyment” by teens, is another widespread societal problem that affects people of all ages.

Teenage depression is a growing concern, contributing to issues like runaway cases, substance abuse, eating disorders, and suicide. Adolescents today encounter stressors unknown to previous generations, often leading to self-destructive behaviors. Depression, a mental disorder characterized by prolonged sadness and loneliness, is a major factor in these problems. The thought of suicide often stems from depression, with significant losses—such as the death of a loved one, divorce, or separation—serving as potential triggers. The pressures faced by today’s teens can leave lasting scars, affecting the entire generation.

Teen Teams Program

Young people's voice

The intriguing Teenage interaction program has attracted masses forcing parents to contribute of the teenage children welfare.

Live  on face book, the programs allows the client to also brand the on air studio screens and extend their reach via social media.