Komboni Radio

Kalikiliki Bridge Under Construction In Mtendere East

Residents of Lusaka’s Mtendere east area will no longer be cut off from neighbouring communities once there are heavy downpours as a bridge along kalikiliki stream is currently under construction.

Shadreck Chimwanga who is Kalikiliki ward 35 councilor pointed out that several households along the bag road which houses the Kalikiliki stream in the recent past been failing to access other neighboring compounds owing to the lack of a bridge along Kalikiliki stream a situation he says will now be a thing of the past.

Councillor Chimwanga explained that once completed, the bridge will be a proper channel for the stream to make way thereby reducing the risk of houses getting flooded.

He further highlighted that the bag road which connects Mtendere east to ibex hill has equally received a facelift as it was previously in a deplorable state.

He further disclosed that several roads in Mtendere have been worked on in readiness for heavy downpours.

The civic leader was speaking to Komboni radio news in an exclusive interview

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