Komboni Radio

TKC Donates 20 Waste Bins to Chililabombwe Council to Boost Waste Management Efforts

Chililabombwe Municipal Council has received a total of 20 waste bins from TKC company a donation that has been done to enhance waste collection within the district.

Speaking at the event, the district mayor Lucky Sichone, thanked TKC for the donation and assured them that the waste bins will help in dealing with the issues of waste management once mounted
The Mayor further urged other companies to emulate this noble gesture by equally donating equipment or items that will help in keeping Chililabombwe clean.

Meanwhile Chililabombwe District Commissioner Ms Precious Njekwa called on more donations of this nature to continue so that indiscriminate disposal of waste is curbed.

And Chililabombwe Director of Public Health Dr. Gift Sakanyi stated that receiving 20 waste bins is opportune especially now before the onset of the rains.

He added that the donation signified the beginning of a partnership towards a better and cleaner Chililabombwe.

And TKC Company Site Engineer Mr. Kenny Aisule said that the Company will donate more waste bins provided these are safeguarded and used for the intended purpose.

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Waste Management

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